Sep 25, 2015

Alton and Orchard folks… Please keep an eye out for our Food Drive postcards that went out today. We’ll be picking up October 1st or 2nd. In Alton, you will have bags delivered to your door on Monday. Simply leave the bag on your front porch and we will collect. In Orchard, please just text or email us your address so we will know to come collect. (and remember,to make sure your bag isn’t hidden by planters etc so we can actually see the bags!! 🙂

Thanks so much for your support. This is our 4th Annual FOOD DRIVE and we’ve been grateful for some incredible support over the years. We are supporting our LOCAL shelter that supports families in OUR COMMUNITY. for a most wanted list of items please visit www.partnershipwest.org

Let’s give everyone a reason to be Thankful this Thanksgiving!!!

-Andrea, Laura & Barb

p.s. if you’re not in Alton or Orchard but would like to participate, just give us a shout!
Email: andreatherealtor@royallepage.ca or text us at 289-218-8119 with your address and the date you’ll leave your FOOD DRIVE labelled bags on your front porch and we will happily come pick up anytime!! THANK YOU!

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